What Today’s Sellers Need to Consider


If you’re hesitant to sell your house because you’ve heard the market has cooled over the past year, here’s what you need to know. You haven’t missed your window, but you need to think about things a little bit differently.

Here’s what today’s sellers need to consider. First, be willing to negotiate. At the peak of the pandemic, sellers held all the leverage. But today’s buyers have more options. So you may see more buyers requesting inspections, repairs or help with closing costs.

I can help you navigate those conversations so you feel like making a move is a win. Second price your home at market value that is higher mortgage rates means buyers are a little bit more cautious about their budgets.

So if you want to attract potential buyers, let me help you set the ideal price for your home. Third, think about the first impression on buyers. In other words, make your home attractive. All give you insight into the updates and staging that you’re going to need to help stand out.

If you need expert advice on how to sell your home in today’s market. Let’s talk.



Moving? Know the value of your home …